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Amazing and Unique Benefits of Honey

Since ancient times honey has been comprehended as the nectar of gods. It was popularly used for healing and in religious and cultural traditions. Being a warehouse of essential nutrients, honey is recognized to maintain optimal health.  It is incomparable to the usual remedies for many diseases because of its anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, and anti-allergic properties. It works wonders in boosting your immunity, digestive health and blood circulation. Mostly sugary foods are not suitable for oral health, but honey is an exception. It can prevent gingivitis by maintaining a clean and healthy mouth. Because of its antibacterial & antimicrobial properties, honey flushes out harmful bacteria and prevents cavities.   That's not all! Honey also has antifungal properties that provide relief from athlete's...

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Cold Pressed Sesame oil for hair and glowing skin

Owing to its versatile properties, cold pressed sesame oil has astonishing nutritional benefits. It is high in magnesium, zinc, copper, calcium and manganese so, much so that even Ayurveda considers it as one of the most powerful oils when it comes to body massages. It can reduce swelling and inflammation while improving your bone health and density.  When it comes to hair and skincare, Cold Pressed sesame oil can be very nourishing.  The fatty acids, omega 3 & omega 6, make it a fabulous choice for taming wild hair. Regularly massaging your hair with this oil stimulates and, improves blood circulation. This strengthens the hair from the roots, making it thicker and stronger.   Apart from this, sesame oil provides a...

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Yoga vs Gym - What's best for you?

Yoga vs Gym are two fitness regimes that are widely popular around the world. But it is quite difficult to justify the pros & cons of yoga VS gym, except both share the same desire- better health & physical fitness. Yoga is non-intensive, whereas the gym requires you to undergo intensive workout sessions. In this blog, we will explore various facets of the argument for you to decide which one is the best for you.  The Power of Gym The gym is a modern-day mechanic designed to build a sturdy, muscular physique and stamina. At a gym, you undergo heavy physical exertion and train your muscles to get stronger. Here is a list of benefits of going to the gym: It burns...

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Cow Ghee Benfits as per Ayurveda

Do you know  Cow ghee is considered as medicine in Ayurveda? If not, then this blog will help you to know more about ghee. Ghee traces back its origin to Ayurveda, where it has been explained in-depth about its properties, benefits & usage. Ghee, also known as clarified butter, is a storehouse of nutrients that has the power to strengthen the body from inside as well as outside. Ghee helps to purify and balance the Tridoshas- Kapha, Pitta and Vata in our bodies. All these three dosh as determine our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. In Ayurveda, ghee has been an integral part of Sattvic bhojan since a long time and is considered to be one of the most healing...

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5 Health Tips Every Woman Must Follow

A woman is not only a daughter, wife or a mother, but she is also a leader, an entrepreneur, inventor, educator, and the list goes on. She is at the forefront in all fields, except for one- her health. As a woman, when was the last time you paused and thought about your well being? We are sure that this might have happened a long ago or never. But now, we want you to pause and spare some time for yourself and read the below five health tips for a healthy you. Firstly, what does WOMAN stand for? In terms of the nutrition world, let's discover the newest expansion for this word. W- Whole grains and Water O- Oils (Cold-pressed)...

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