Recipe: Fermented Ambali
- 1 cup of Ragi Millet
- 10 cups of water
1. Thoroughly rinse the millet under running water to remove impurities.
2. Soak the millet in water for a minimum of 6 hours.
3. Drain the water and transfer the millet to a large pot.
4. Add 10 cups of plain water to the pot and bring it to a boil.
5. Allow the millet to cook for approximately 15 minutes.
6. Turn off the heat and let the mixture cool down to room temperature.
7. Transfer the contents to an earthen pot and cover it with a cotton cloth.( Here, if you want to have porridge kind of consistency then you can coarse grind these boiled millet in a grinder)
8. Allow the porridge to ferment for 4-6 hours in summers or 12-15 hours in winters.
9. Your fermented Ambali is now ready to be savored.
The micropores in earthen pots facilitate healthy microbial growth, making this dish highly nutritious. Enjoy fermented Ambali with your choice of vegetables, dal, or sambhar. Just ensure that the accompanying vegetable is at room temperature to preserve the beneficial microbes developed during the fermentation process.
By incorporating this traditional recipe into our diets, we can nourish our body and experience the benefits of fermentation. Enjoy the flavors of fermented Ambali and savor the improved digestive well-being it brings. Cheers to a healthier, happier gut!
- Start with small portions as your body may take some time to adjust with a changed diet.
- Ambali should be used with other ingredients which are at room temperature. Higher temperatures will kill the beneficial bacteria and you will not get the full benefit of Ambali.
- This kind of Ambali can be made with other millets such as Kodo, Proso, Barnyard, browntop, little millet etc.
- Initially 25% rice can be mixed while making Ambali so that the acceptability of this super food becomes easy for the family.
- If you like a little liquidy Ambali then more water can be added while cooking.
- You can also prepare this dish using millet flour. Click here for the recipe.