Healthy Roots Blogs

Cow Ghee Benfits as per Ayurveda
Apr 30, 2022
Do you know  Cow ghee is considered as medicine in Ayurveda? If not, then this...
Health Tips for woman
Apr 05, 2022
A woman is not only a daughter, wife or a mother, but she is also...
Say ‘No’ to Refined Flour!
Dec 28, 2021
A few decades ago, Refined Flour was the new ‘Blue.’ People’s approach to refine whole-grain...
Spices Preservation and Safety
Dec 21, 2021
“Smart and attractive packaging of spices might victimize you and play with your health.” Pride...
Vata, Pitta or Kapha
Dec 15, 2021
Ayurveda describes human body as a five elementary building blocks namely- earth, air, water, fire,...
Cold Pressed Oil | The Ultimate Guide 2023
Dec 02, 2021
“It’s poor civic hygiene to install technologies that could someday facilitate a police state.”  -...